
Disclaimer of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV. The following conditions in this disclaimer of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV apply to any access to and/or use of the website of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV.

We request that you read this disclaimer carefully. By providing access to the website of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV, or by using this site in any way whatsoever, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV reserves the right to change these terms and conditions. Any changes will take effect immediately upon posting on this site. Dutch law applies to these terms and conditions.

In the event that you fail to fulfill and/or comply with your obligations under these terms and conditions, or the applicable laws and regulations, or in any way cause damage to the website of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV, you are fully liable for all resulting damage. , costs, consequences and claims, in the broadest sense of the word. You will indemnify Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV in this respect.


Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV has compiled the content of its site with the greatest possible care and strives to keep its site as up-to-date as possible. The content of the site is regularly evaluated internally. Nevertheless, no rights can be derived from the information provided. Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV does not guarantee any incorrect, incomplete or outdated information. The information provided on the site is subject to change at any time without notice or obligation. The use of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV is at your own expense and risk.

Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV grants you, within the limits as stated in these terms and conditions, a personal right to view its site and the data and files made available on its site in the manner and in the format in which these data and files are available on the site of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV have been made available, all this only if and insofar as this use is for the purpose of coming into contact with job seekers or (potential) employers in the aviation sector via Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV.

The site of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV contains various protected areas that are only accessible to a limited group of users, often with the aid of a user name and/or password. If you have not been explicitly provided with a user name or password by Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV, or permission has been granted in some other way, you are not permitted to use the protected areas on the site of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV and the data and files contained therein. open and/or use it (unlawfully), in the broadest sense of the word. In addition, you are not permitted to log in to a protected area on the site of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV using a user name and/or password belonging to someone else.

Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV cannot guarantee that its site will be accessible at all times and without interruptions and/or malfunctions and is entitled to temporarily or permanently decommission and/or terminate its site. Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV cannot be held liable for any resulting damage.

Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV is not liable for any damage caused by possible viruses, worms, bots, Trojan horses, etc., if these, despite the precautions taken by Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV, on the site, the data and files placed on it and/or occur in the electronic means of communication used by it.

The Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV website may contain links to websites or web pages of third parties. Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV has no control over the content of these websites. It is therefore not responsible for this content and does not accept any liability for (direct or indirect) damage or loss, in the broadest sense of the word, resulting from visiting, consulting and/or using these websites. When third parties include references and/or links to the site of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV on their website, this does not mean in any way that Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV agrees with the content of these websites.

Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV is in no way liable for damage, costs, consequences and claims (including any claims from third parties and all associated damage, costs and consequences) that arise directly or indirectly and/or arise from the use of its site or its contents. If and insofar as Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV should nevertheless be liable in any way, the liability of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV for indirect damage is excluded in all cases. Indirect damage includes, among other things, suffered or to be suffered consequential damage and/or loss of profits, loss of turnover, loss of profit and loss of goodwill.


Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV grants you, within the limits as stated in these terms and conditions, a personal right to view its site and the data and files made available on its site in the manner and in the format in which these data and files are available on the site of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV have been made available, all this only if and insofar as this use is for the purpose of coming into contact with jobseekers or (potential) employers in the aviation sector via Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV.

The Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV website contains data and files that are the property of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV and/or third parties and that are protected by applicable legislation with regard to, among other things, intellectual property rights (including copyrights, related rights, patents, database rights and trademark rights). Unless otherwise indicated, the trademark rights of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV apply to all brands displayed on its site. This includes all brands and logos of Worldwide Flight Services. The use of these brands is not permitted without the prior written permission of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV.

You are not permitted to use the site of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV or the data and files made available on it for any purpose other than described in these terms and conditions and you are obliged to comply with all applicable (privacy) laws and regulations. to live. This means, among other things, that you are not permitted to store, download, distribute, reproduce, multiply, distribute, transmit, collect, publish or make available to third parties, in the broadest sense of the word. In addition, you are not permitted to modify the content of the site in any way,


With regard to the processing of (personal) data provided to Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV (not concerning the personal data of clients of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV), reference is made to the applicable privacy statement of Worldwide Flight Services Holland BV. This privacy statement can be viewed here.


For questions and/or comments about this disclaimer, please send an email to hr.ams@wfs.aerostating 'Disclaimer'. We aim to respond to a question and/or comment about this disclaimer within two weeks of receiving it.